Crazy MIL Need Advice (Updated) Long


If you don't know what's going on, please refer to my other post titled the same. I find it easier to type all this from my computer than on the phone so that's why there is a second post. Unfortunately it is another lengthy post.

An update on the MIL situation. Haven't really heard anything from anyone in SO's family until 2 days ago. MIL's sister was saying on FB that I need to "quit being a crybaby about how MIL is and has been treating me and to quit holding onto stuff and picking fights". To be clear I haven't spoken with any of them since the sit down we had that I mentioned in my previous post. BTW the sister is one of those super religious "Christians". My SO was talking to his mom on the phone (which we recorded) and told her that we did not want her to be in the delivery room nor did we want her to throw us a baby shower. She asked about the doctor appointments and he told her that she went to the important one (ultrasound) and the rest of the appointments will be just us going. He also brought up how she needs to quit being dramatic and try to accept responsibility for her actions, and at least talk to me so we can fix the issue, to which she responded "Well since I won't be going to the appointments and won't be in the delivery room anymore, what really do I have to talk to her about? How are you, how are you feeling? It doesn't matter anymore". She then said that I have already turned the baby against her by all the stress I am causing everyone and he will be born already wanting nothing to do with her and that I'm trying to keep SO from having a mother. I have never heard such an idiotic thing in my life but I can't say I'm surprised this came out of her mouth. He continued to stick up for me and she told him he was "pushing it" with her and he loves him and hopes he has a good life, then they got off the phone.

She ended up calling me later that night to let me know that she doesn't know what to do to fix it and doesn't understand why I'm "holding onto shit". I told her I wasn't holding onto shit but that I'd like to explain why I no longer trust her and why WE decided not to have the shower or her presence in the delivery room/appointments. She interrupted and argued and denied any and everything I said, and told me I've ruined the relationship and nothing could be done. Her daughter (SIL) was right there next to her, offering her imput of course. I told her it would be nice if it were just us talking since it was between us and no one else. She denied SIL was there until I told her exactly what SIL said. I told her it would take more than one forced phone call to fix anything which she denied. She denied having said anything about not talking to me because of not being able to be in delivery, talking about me with her sister, and denied saying pretty much everything we have on recording (which is why we recorded it). She doens't know we recorded it. She kept asking if I felt like a bad ass. I'm guessing because I remained calm and was trying to calm her down. She's always immediately defensive and argumentitive. Always listening to reply instead of having a proactive conversation and be open minded. I ended the phone call by telling her I am open to future discussion should she wish and that the ball is in her court. She said no that it couldn't be fixed so I said ok that's on you then but know that I'm open to trying. She denied it being on her.

SO got a text the next morning at 6am from the MIL's sister, whom I've not really ever talked to that much btw. She has COPD so I used to go to her house and help her cut her toe nails because she had a hard time doing it and had the occasional "hello" at family events. She said that she "pegged me from the start", "that's not how normal pregnant people act", "she's just like her grandmother". How would she know that if MIL had "never talked to her about me". She told him I wouldn't let his family see his son grow up, which they have accused me of since they found out I was pregnant and also accused me of having an abortion. SO says it's a fear of theirs that they are projecting on me because MIL's sister hardly gets to see her grandkids. I have never done anything to suggest I would do either of those things. She then blocked me on FB. Don't really care tbh but I find it funny. SO just replied with "I'm done".

At this point I don't care to have anything to do with them anymore. I don't understand how all of this blew up the way it did. I do think MIL has a very high probability of being a narcissist. SO has basically just said I'm done to everyone about the whole thing but still talks to his mom on the regualar like everything is kosher. I don't ever want him to have to cut off his mom or anyone. I wouldn't feel right asking him to do that. I do, however, feel completely isolated and can't stop thinking about why he would still just talk to her everyday like everything was normal. It's hard to not think about it when I have to hear about her everyday. I can't delete her from facebook or all Hell will break loose again. She likes my stuff I post and is just THERE all the time. I get that she's his mom and I've called him out on being a momma's boy but he just gets all pissy and says he can't just stop talking to her. He wants her to be apart of his son's life, which I understand. I'm just at a loss for what to do or think about everything. I've told SO I've thought about not getting married because of how his family is, which hurt him but damn. He said he was going to address his aunt and what we have on recording with his mom. I doubt he will or if it even matters anymore. I would like to hear some opinions on this matter and how to go about dealing with it. Please do not sugar coat anything but also no need to be excessively rude. Sorry about the length again.