“Women duties”

Sinclair • 👶🏽👼🏽

Am I wrong for being upset for not wanting to clean or wash on my day off? I work as a resident care associate so I’m up on my feet almost all day. Last month I was working first and third shift so it was 11pm-3pm and I never really had a break. I just finally got an off day for the weekend within that whole month. He has more off days to me and only work about 5 hours or more some days. It’s every time I get off it’s always ‘we need to wash’ or ‘straighten the room’ and it’s like can I sleep and watch tv for the whole day? Can we actually go out and do things? Every time I’m off he goes with his cousin and brother to play basketball or something and it’s like ok well even though I barely have any sleep I’m willing to go and do stuff because we haven’t and it’s always pushed to the side. I didn’t end up strengthening the room because I sat there and watched tv while he did. He has way more time than me so I wasn’t going to do it. It’s not fair. Just because I’m a women doesn’t mean I have to do all those ‘women duties’ when I’m working as hard as I am. And now it’s like he’s upset and me because I’m upset 🙄. I don’t have family where we live but he do and it’s like he takes advantage of that because every time he’s upset he goes out with his family or to their house while I’m stuck in the house with no friends or family where we live 🙄.