Early pregnancy signs and false negative test



I ovulated on Nov 24 and I’m currently 12 DPO. Yesterday I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Since Saturday (8 DPO) I’ve been extremely nauseous, very dizzy, super sore breast & nipple soreness, cramping, pelvic pain - especially on the left side, moody, irritable, falling asleep all the time, fatigue & exhausted, and acid reflux. My BBT was 98.02 and increased to 98.05 over the weekend. It took a dipped and is at 97.77

My CM is currently creamy and a bit watery. My period was due today but nothing came. Since I’ve had my IUD remove in August, my period has been a few days late but I’ve never had these kind of symptoms all at once while waiting for my period. Usually I would cramp a week before my period and that’s it. The breast soreness and pelvic pain is what makes me think I could be prego. And honestly this doesn’t feel AF is on her way.

Should I wait a few more days and take a pregnancy test again or am I just wasting my time?