how do you know if you've had an ectopic pregnancy?

last cycle I really thought I might have conceived, I had dizzy spells, headaches, felt like I had a really odd cold, and dry mouth. I tested at 9dpo and got a nevative then tested the day my period was due and thought I saw a vvvvvvvfl but my period came the next day. I've been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> with opks and have had very predictable ovulation times. this month I am using opks and temping and I do not seem to be ovulating. is it normal not to ovulate on a random cycle? could I have sort of conceived last month and lost it before getting a true positive and would That cause me not to ovulate this month? If I'm not ovulating should I go to the doctor? So far my doctor has been very adamant about not testing or doing anything until I've been trying for a year but this is my 8th month.