My boyfriend doesn't want anyone knowing

Sarah • 💙Leo-4.13.16 🌈Landon-6.23.18

I'm 11 weeks today and I'm pregnant with my second child. We decided we didn't want anyone to know about the pregnancy until later when we know the gender possibly. We agreed to tell close family. This morning he lashed out on me because I talked to his sister about it. His sister and I are really close and we tell eachother almost everything. I'm confident she wouldn't share it with anyone but he's upset because he doesn't want his parents to know yet and I tried saying his sister wont tell them but he isn't caring what I have to say. Then he tells me he doesn't want anyone, family or not, to know until we have a baby shower. ?!?!

With our son we had a baby shower at 32 weeks, people are going to know I'm pregnant before then because they'll see my stomach. I wanted to announce the pregnancy when we found out the gender. I feel like if we don't tell anyone and then just throw a shower no one will want to go or even be excited because they'll be mad we didn't tell them. I understand he's afraid of what others will think because it's our second baby and our son is only 20 months old but at the same time itsdriving me crazy keeping it all a secret and being yelled at anytime I talk to someone about it. I feel like I should be allowed to talk to someone about it, he never wants to.