How can my mum lose weight

She is 42 years old. I’m 13, my older brother is 17 and we have a baby brother who’s just turned 2. My mum is asthmatic. She works 5 days a week in a nursery. She went to the doctors and she has to lose at least 10kg as she is very ill.

My father is always out and NEVER supports my mum and is never with the baby. So my mum can’t let him look after the baby whilst she goes gym. If she asks he will get angry and will most likely hurt my mother. My older brother works at most time in the day and is studying. He won’t be able to. I am in high school (UK high school is like middle school for US) and my mum says I shouldn’t look after him for too long.

How can my mum lose weight?

Any health tips, easy ways to lose weight? Thank you very much.

Please no rude comments as my mum is really upset. She has low self esteem and I just want to help her.

By the way, my baby brother only likes being with my mum. He’s so used to her so he won’t leave.

Thank you