Anyone with mastitis experience?


So I have mastitis for the 2nd time the first time around 3 months pp this one 10 months pp ! Frik me right 🙄 I knew what was going on as soon as I woke up with a sore area 4 hours later I had the fever body ache and the sore had red streaks all threw it 😩 immediately went to an express care (it was Sunday ) so I’m 3 days on my antibiotics and still have a hard area in my breast 🤷🏼‍♀️ no pain in it and the redness is gone ! So I guess I’m asking should I be concerned it’s still there or maybe it’s just taking longer than the last to unclog and resolve ? Yes I massage it take hot showers and bathes I’m pumping as much as possible with a 10 month old !