Are you kidding me??!!!

I have seen post after post after post where these assholes are talking to you women like y’all are worthless and y’all let it happen!!! Y’all apologize to these pieces of shit for their behavior! What happened to self respect? Apologizing!? For what!!!?? He’s the one treating you like some skank he met last night! We don’t live in the 1950s where women were seen worthless but you ladies are bringing us women back to that! Smh! It’s a disgrace! Any man is going to yell and talk to someone the way they allow them to! You are to blame in how he speaks to you if you are allowing him to belittle you this way! Not saying he’s not at fault but you my dear are also part of the problem! I can’t believe what I have read and the fact that you ladies aren’t embarrassed to show this! Don’t be embarrassed to show how he speaks to embarrassed at how you allow it and kneel as if he is some God! Get real! Everyone is this world is easily replaced except family! Grow up and learn some self respect!!! Rant over💛