Is he into me?

Okay, I know this is kinda hard to answer without knowing the guy and all that, but I figured I’d see what y’alls response would be.

Anyways, more info about us:

Okay so we met in the beginning of last month (Nov). We’ve gone on multiple dates. I met his parents on the second date, and he met mine on the first (only briefly though). On the third date, we made out on his couch in his guest house. On the fourth date, I gave him a bj and blew his mind. (Side note: gold star for me!!)

So then between the third and the fourth we mentioned the what are we, and we both kinda switched what we said every time we talked haha. So then on the fourth date, he brought it up again and I told him that we don’t need to commit to eachother rn because of all the stuff we have going on. (Which I’m fine with). Meanwhile, we are on the couch again, and I’m already sitting down and he comes over and lays his head on my lap and that’s how we had that convo. He kissed me after all cute, and then it turned into making out and idk to provide all the dets but he ended up trying to take my pants off and I told him no b/c I’m on my period. Then other stuff happened that is irrelevant... haha.

So he has finals next week and is stressing out big time. He had said before that he doesn’t want to commit to anything before finals because he doesn’t want it to jeopardize his grades. (Which idk why but is attractive to me haha) Idk if he’s into me or not. I really don’t want to get hurt again. I just hope that he does. Because as hard as I have tried, I’ve caught feelings for him.

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