Don’t know what to do anymore 😞


I’ve seen several doctors over the period of my pregnancy and have heard something different from every one of them. My actual OB has gone back and forth on what she’s been telling me as per what is going to happen with my labor. I don’t know how to distinguish when I’m actually in labor besides my water breaking but I’ve heard from many different sites and people that because I was induced before my body isn’t going to go into labor properly. I just want my doctors to listen to me when I tell them I’m in pain. I don’t know what to do anymore. I doubt I’ll get any response from this since every time I post no one ever does cause it’s not drama filled. Just hoping for the best at this point... side note: I’m 40 weeks today, 3cm dilated and 70% effaced and my mucus plug is gone but the hospital keeps sending me home because my contractions that they have even told me are very strong “aren’t 2 minutes apart yet so they don’t want to do anything”