Cheap test does that matter ?

Amy-louise • Mama to Aria ivy rose 4/8/18💞

Ok so I know this definitely looks like a positive . But I can't believe it !! I have irregular periods and never know for sure when I can expect it . I have been taking Vitamins every night for the past 2 months and this week I've had an awful cold today the worst it's been I feel rubbish and this evening I thought I'd take a test as I was supposed to have my period 4 days ago but again I didn't think anything of it and I'm never on time . This was taken at 2250 and went like this within 20 secs and obvs not my fmu . It doesn't matter it's a cheap test ? I want to take another one but I need to wait until I need to per again !! Ahhhh I can't believe it I will be so over the moon of this turns out to be true. Baby dust to all !!!


I just needed to do another test or 4 🙈I had some left in the pack I brought from so thought I'd make sure .... I'm still gunna do a digital one when I can get to the shops it's 1 in the morning here and my OH is at work so he doesn't know yet I can't sleep I'm so happy !! Baby dust to all ✨