Magnesium for depression


Magnesium is one of the most versatile minerals we know of. Research shows that it helps treat depression.

It might be easier to talk about what this wonder mineral doesn't do. Magnesium is involved in over 350 biochemical processes in the body. Magnesium is necessary for everything from proper functioning your heart and brain health, to stress levels, sleep, and anxiety. Our bodies need magnesium to produce blood, transform energy, transmit nerve impulses, maintain our musculoskeletal system, and regulate and maintain a healthy pH balance in our blood, cells, and tissues. Magnesium is present in foods like dark, leafy greens, potatoes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans, avocados, and fruit like bananas. It can be difficult to get enough magnesium through diet alone, and it's made even harder by the fact that you can lose magnesium by consuming too much refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, or soda.

Signs of deficiency...

1. Muscle signs such as foot pain, muscles twitches (including under-eye twitching), and foot or leg cramps

2. Loss of appetite

3. Headache

4. Nausea and/or poor digestion

5. Low energy or fatigue

6. Weakness

7. Abnormal heart rhythms, which can include premature atrial contractions (extra beats), premature ventricular contractions (skipped heartbeats), atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm), and tachycardia (rapid heart rate), among others

8. Coronary spasms, a temporary, sudden narrowing of a coronary artery, resulting in a slowing or stopping of blood flow

9. Tingling and numbness because of the impact on the deficiency on the peripheral nervous system

10. Muscle cramps and contractions (more severe than experienced in the early stage of deficiency)

11. Personality changes, such as irritability, tantrums, panic attacks, depression

12. Chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders

Here are the best and worst forms...