Fertility issues/ vent

Sooo... this is such a long deal! I just need to vent.

So been TTC for a little under a year and we are starting our fertility check work up. So I just recently had an HSG ( dye through your tubes) and my husband is getting ready for a semen analysis. 1. I took my best friend with me to my HSG consultation because my husband had to work. So on the way there she decides to burst out that her husband talked her into trying for baby #2.

SHOCKER I said oh when?! And she said well I stopped taking my BC a couple of weeks ago I just didn't wanna tell you since you guys have been trying for so long. I said oh that's okay! Every baby is a gift and it doesn't matter who the momma is.... (trying to stay positive) so then after my appointment we went to dinner and she goes on to tell me about how she just feels so bad that I have to go through all of this and how she feels bad she can just pop out babies and blah blah blah.

So by now my I'm over being positive! But I still brush it off. She keeps going with it!!! Every 30 minutes she says how sorry she is! Like wtf Shut the F up!

So i just ignore it and I come home and my husband is pissed she did that to me because that appointment was suppose to be about me....

Side note: her and her husband have been having issues and she was thinking he is cheating but now she is gonna give in to what he wants and have another baby. I just feel like she is trying just because I am. Second side note she got mad at me when my husband proposed to me 2 weeks after hers did and I got married before her.... she just started talking to me again after a long time because I'm trying And only talks to me to "check in" Literally ever since we have been TTC ALL of my friends are prego or just had their babies... 😞 I'm to my breaking point and I know others have been trying longer.

2. My husband just told me his friend who has 2 babies told him that he thinks we are just rushing it and we need to stop stressing and just let it happen. Kids are crazy anyways no need to rush.

Like what....

Sorry for the long vent I'm just pissy and emotional! I just needed to get this off of my chest!

Am I overthinking everything? Am I being too sensitive?