Is this it? Suppose to start fertility work up today

Jamie • Married to my best friend. Ectopic January 18. MC August 18. PMP October 18.Mom to two fur babies 🐱

Tuesday I went to my first appointment with the fertility doctor after TTC for the past 14 months. I have extremely long cycles and he said that if I ovulate by that time the egg is no good. I had started spotting 10 days before I normally do and had these three really sharp pains when I first started spotting. I was suppose to have my blood work yesterday but was trying to make sure my insurance was going to cover everything so waited til today. Something was telling me this was different and I should test. I am only what i think 10 DPO let me know if you see what I think i see. I don’t think I’ll be going for the blood work this morning. The first photo was right before 2 minutes, 2nd was at around 4 minutes 3rd at 6 minutes and last one was at 10 minute mark.

Updated- so confused took a cheap Walmart test last night and it was positive but took a Clearblue digital this morning and said not pregnant. Hoping not a chemical and just too early for the digital. Going to buy my first response today.