Sleep help


My daughter just turned 1 November 6. She used to get up about once or twice for a bottle then go back. About two weeks ago she started sleeping well- only getting up once and sleeping till 5:30/6. We had always put her down between 7-8. Since last Friday she would wake around 11 I would give her a bottle but she would not go back into her crib. Every time I went to lay her down her eyes would open no matter how long I rocked her. So I tried more bottle and diaper changes thinking that would help- then she got herself so worked up she projectile vomited all over. So I brought her into our bed as a last resort and now no one sleeps. She did a few nights ok with sleeping with us. She has been very clingy to me and was comfortable with me in bed sleeping soundly. Well that ended 3 nights ago- now she tosses and turns most of the night. Did I also mention she’s getting a ton of teeth in- grinding them even after Tylenol- and... I’m 6 months pregnant so I’m exhausted. My husband wants to try to let her cry but once she stands in her crib I feel like she will cry for days lol. Any advice is much appreciated 😩😩😩