Living proof of the harsh consequences of racism

Arroz con Pollo • 💉LPN🇵🇦Latina & Spicy🔥 Mommy of 2 💙💙

This story has stuck with me since I heard about it and I decided to share it here. A while back at a job i had, I had a 93 year old patient, he was African American, very sweet, and polite. He had no family or anyone come visit him the time I was at the facility, but he was always in a positive mood. Well one day I learned his story and I was in disbelief. He had spent most of his adult life in prison because he had a white girlfriend, the girls family found out they were toghether so then she turned around and said he raped her. Now this happened back when segregation was still happening so he was thrown in prison for fake accusations. Later on down the road he got some type of disease in one of his limbs that required amputation. When he went to the hospital to get that done they “accidentally” amputated the wrong limb so the had to go ahead and take the other limb off too. I am not exaggerating when I say my heart was shattered when I learned all this. How can someone go through so much injustice in life and still be so positive? Why did this poor man have to go through so much smh, and it’s just another reminder that all these stories of the horrible racism in the past is still fresh. It was not something that happened long long ago, there are still people living that went through all of that. So when there are marches, protests, kneeling, or anything regarding injustice and racism, don’t belittle it saying “oh it’s in the past move on” because none of this is in the past like at all. It’s all still present and fresh.