First appointment after loss


My daughter was born still last week at 22w5d. I had my first drs appointment yesterday, and it was terrible. I had to sit with all the mom's and babies because the office wouldn't let me wait elsewhere. When they called me back the first they asked was how often I'm feeling my baby move. I just stared at her and asked to see my husband. On our way to my husband I started crying and the nurse just kept asking what was wrong. My husband also stared at the woman for a moment and said "Are you kidding me?". He was finally able to tell her and she just slowly slipped away without saying anything more. Then the doctor came in, after what felt like hours, and didn't offer any explanations of what happened to our daughter, even though just last week he said it was because of an infection. The infection was so bad last week that my body pushed my daughter out and I was sent home with multiple strong antibiotics, but now all of the sudden, it's not that serious. So frustrated, he even had the nerve to tell me that they never thought she would make it, even before last week. But throughout the entire pregnancy she looked perfect, and they always told me she was doing great. I feel so empty, and lost.