Pregnant or period?

Brianna • 20✌🏽Married 💍 No longer TTC😭💔 Furbaby🐕

Alright guys. I am due for AF tomorrow. Had some light spotting today after intercourse with hubby. So far nothing to fill a pad and haven’t seen anything on my panty liner or in my undies. Just noticed when I wiped and then looked at myself with a handheld mirror. Never had spotting before my period that I can remember. We are currently ttc. My last af was Nov 8th. And according to Glow <a href="">Nurture</a> I’d be 3weeks 6days or right at 4weeks tomorrow. No cramping like AF is here. Just really bloated and gassy. Had heartburn all day yesterday. Took hpt at 10 and 11dpo but both tests were negative. Haven’t tested since the 5th. Currently 13dpo and have my fingers crossed that af is not here

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