Did you plan your pregnancy or wait for the "right" time?

Did you plan your pregnancy or did you just "let it happen"? I had an ovary removed awhile ago and doc said " I wouldn't have a baby right now because you need to heal, but if you're wanting a baby I don't think I'd wait too long" I am 27 and my hubby is 31. It would be OK if it happened, but I'd also like to wait a few years to travel and work on my career,as I just started a doula training and doing photography. If I get another cyst I won't be able to have a baby because they'll removed my other ovary. I hate being stressed about this 😢 my husband doesn't care to wait, it's more me and I feel like he will resent me so much if I end up getting another cyst and can't have a baby. Ugh. I just don't know. Some days I think I could wait 5 years. Other days I want a baby like yesterday. Do you ladies have any advice?