please don't be rude or judgmental!

anybody smoke weed during there pregnancy? what are some of the negative effects of it? what are some positive effects? I heard it helps with morning sickness. please no one be rude about this!

here's an update for some people. I asked for no judgemental comment or to be rude on here so don't be.

I thought I was pregnant I quit smoking weed. I posted this because I wanted to know what other women did. & how it affected ther baby. & so what if they did that don't make them bad parents at all ! a lot of women smoke cigarettes while they're pregnant and it's probably the same women who are being judgemental about this. and cigarettes are bad for you so there bad for your baby! now this is why I asked this question Cus guess what I don't believe weed is bad for you at all! it helps people with anxiety and depression. I know this for a fact cuz my boyfriend has both! it help people with cancer.