My 7 month old will only fall asleep if we hold, nurse or rock her to sleep..

She turned 7 months yesterday. She will cry her little heart out but fights it so hard that she doesn't actually fall asleep. She sits up in her bed, pulls herself up and sits up the whole time we put her in her bed. So we do not CIO. She falls asleep easily when we are holding her which would be fine, but it normally takes hours and 5 or so tries of getting her to sleep and putting her in her bed before she doesn't wake right up and stands right up. She hasn't been napping much during the day either and when she does it has to be on us or she eakes right up. She usually doesn't go to sleep for a good amount of time until 11/12 lately it has even been 1/2 am before she's actually asleep for a bit. She still wake ups several times to nurse at night which I understand is normal and if she's still waking up to nurse then she needs it. I just wish getting her to sleep was easier. I am getting exhausted and not sure what else todo. Any advice?