My Stepdad

So my stepdad is a control freak, he never praises me or my twin brother for doing chores constantly. I get that we should practice our instruments, but not every night, he has us feeding the outside animals and says it’s our responsibility even though I didn’t ask for anymore animals. We have to clean our rooms or we get grounded. He touches my toothbrush to make sure I brushed my teeth, checks literally everywhere in my room. If my dresser isn’t organized he makes me remove everything and fold it correctly and categorize it. I get my phone taken every weekday from the time we get home from school (3:00 on Monday-Thursday and 1:00 on Fridays.) until 8:30 p.m. he forces us to eat breakfast even if we really don’t want to eat. I’ve asked him not to make my food a certain way and he makes it “his” way anyways. He calls me names and cusses. For example today I hadn’t fed the dogs, he told me to go feed my ducks, I had already this morning. I went out there and put water in a smaller bowl, and he yelled at me and threw the larger bowl at me and yelled “How would you like it if you were put in a cage and didn’t have enough to drink?” I told him the larger bowl was broke, I had tried unsticking it because the cold weather had it frozen and the side chipped and if it filled the water would empty out because it was open. When I told him he yelled at me again and then called me a lazy as*. He acts intimidating and makes loud noises and knocks things over to intimidate us. When I say anything back I get in trouble or grounded. Tonight I was only supposed to play my instrument for 20 minutes but since I was “lazy” he made me play for 40 minutes. He didn’t make lunch for anyone except himself, he went to culinary school and cooks instead of my mom. My mom works and he doesn’t. There is so much more, but I would have to write a book to finish. Can anyone help?