how do we begin to fix our relationship?

I have bpd (the I hate you don't leave me mental disorder) and I think my bf might have anxiety and panic disorder but I'm not sure. It's a really bad mix and we get in a lot of fights. But we've been together for 5 years and I love him so much. I've typed out like 10 different posts now and deleted them before posting because I'm realizing how much he loves me. But I don't really feel loved the majority of the time which causes most of our fights and then he panics and freaks out, yelling and causing a scene, leaving me feeling even more uncared for because I don't like being yelled at and I really don't like attention drawn to me. It's a bad cycle and he tells me I'm his world and he couldn't live without me but I just feel forgotten so often. Maybe it's just my disorder talking but it's difficult for me to discern. I'm not sure but I told him I need space and need to set up boundaries so that I won't be hurt again. We live together but I told him we should sleep in different rooms and he shouldn't touch me any more than he would if he were just a friend. I told him we could be best friends like usual but not to call me babe or sweety or hun or anything. Is this the wrong move? I have a feeling like it is which is why I'm posting this because I really don't know what to do here. Please no harsh judgment. I truly just need help figuring out what to do next. I currently get treatment for my disorders a few times a year because I can't afford it and my bf really really can't afford it and he's never gotten counseling. Should I apologize and tell him I think he has a mental problem too and want to help him or should we try out this friends only thing for a while. Idk what I'm doing guys. I just want to feel loved and I feel like this friend's thing might give him the time and space to work on some things. Please let me know your thoughts while being nice