Am I being selfish?

I have three wonderful and healthy children. My baby just turned 5. I have been having major baby fever lately. I had no problem conceiving before and had all healthy pregnancies until my last one. I developed some health issues that are basically here to stay. I do take medications daily for the issues. I want a baby boy,I have three girls. I have been diagnosed with pcos as well,so I may not even be able to conceive. My husband doesn't want another one because he's scared it'll make my health worse. we don't know if it will or not. There have been tons of great pregnancies with my conditions. I am not wheelchair bound or anything, like that so it wouldn't take away from a child. I guess a there is chance It could happen. We won't know until it happens. He says I should just be thankful for my three and not take the risk of anything happening to me. Am I being extremely selfish to want to try?

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