My 4 year old is hilarious!

Abigail • 26 Engaged 💍 3 beautiful children 2 boys and 1 girl. Baby #4 due 3/12/19 and it’s a girl! 💞💜💓💗💖.

So I'm having a conversation with my 4 year old daughter and I decide to ask her if there's a baby in my belly (I'm 11dpo) and she proceeds to say yes and I ask her is it a boy or girl and she yells BOY! Lol so I'm finding this comical and I ask her well this test is telling me there is no baby in my baby (it was a Walmart cheapie) and I ask her what kind of test should I buy that will tell me I'm having a baby 😂😂 and she goes BLUE and I'm sitting here like how the fuck does she know what color dye tests there are 😂😂😂😂