Did something new & I love it!! (UPDATE)


After having two kids and losing 50lbs I finally bought some lingerie!! And fish nets!! I also got my hair done in a pin up girl way.. my bf loves it 😁 what y’all think?

UPDATE: thank you all for your positive comments!! It has made me so happy!! I’m a machinist so I don’t wear makeup or do my hair or dress up.

Actually I did this on my birthday and my boyfriends birthday was 3 days before so when the work guys asked what I was getting him for his bday I told them I was gona look like a girl for him 😂 they asked if I even knew what a dress was lmao.

I’m always in my work clothes or gym clothes and look more like a tomboy in those. So this was completely new to me! I did pay someone to do my hair since I have no clue how to. And thank god for you tube videos on how to do makeup haha. I had to use that also. I slipped a black A-framed dress over this and wore it to dinner.

I highly recommend it for women! We need a night to look fancy and different and feel amazing!! Y’all need to do it too ladies!! 💋 xoxo sending love