11 months and still not even kissed??!


So I have a dilemma...

I've been with my boyfriend for 11 months and I'm his first girlfriend and I'm older by two months (I'm 18) (#cougar😂)

He has also told me that he is on the autistic spectrum - but what I don't understand is that he is quite sociable and outgoing, maybe awkward at times, but so is everybody.

He is very sweet and I love him very much. I don't want to force him to go things he doesn't want to do, but I'm also a women with needs, and I just want him to kiss me already! I want this relationship to progress... (So we could get to the naughties😉)

He says that 'kissing' is a "social convention" - is that true? Do we do it just because everyone else is doing it? Is it just a meaningless trend?

What do you think?