Goodbye you worthless deadweight!

Taryn • 26. Mom. Wife. Tattooed. Novice Chef. Coffee Addict. Harry Potter Fanatic. Nerd. Wine Drinker. Makeup Lover. Charlotte Rose 🌹 5-12-15 Benjamin Thomas 💙 7-8-17 Superbaby due 7-25-19

I am glad to say that after 1 month on weight watchers and at 5 months postpartum, I have lost 16lbs! 10 of those lbs are purely from doing weight watchers for one month. The first 6lbs was from eating healthier foods, but I hit a stall. And that’s when I started weight watchers one month ago and dropped 10lbs like it was nothing. I couldn’t believe how easy and effortless it was. I can already tell a difference, and can’t believe how much 10lbs changed my appearance. My waist is smaller, my face is slimmer, and my ass got perkier! My baby pooch has even gone down.

Here’s me at 196lbs

And here’s me at 180lbs