AF twice in one month


Ok so I have a question to ask everyone. So I was a week late for my piered then it came on. I was on it like normal. and now I'm supposed to be in my fetal week it was supposed to start 3 days ago. today is supposed to be my peak day but ovulation test keep coming up negative or low and today I'm bleading which is not normal for me. usually I'll have a little blood in my cm but not bleed. HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED TO ANYONE ELSE? Do u know what it could be

this was my opk test for the clear blue advance. then it got lighter for a couple of days.

12/11/17 was darker after I took it. The digital part said the 0 every time. Been trying to cuncive for almost 12 months. So when af was a week late I was excited but pregnancy test kept say negative. DO u think that I could be pregnant. my period and cycle are usually very regular.