Christmas surprise canceled! 😔


We are no longer pregnant and I am quite heartbroken. Two weeks ago I had my first ultrasound and my OB showed me where the “sac and yolk” were present. She said that it looks like it might be a little too early to see anything and that I may have ovulated a few days later than I thought I did. We scheduled another U/S for two weeks later (today) at about 8 weeks along and when we took a look she said those three agonizing words I never expected to hear “I’m so sorry!” as we looked at a screen with a more empty looking sac.

On Friday I went to use the bathroom and I noticed a very, very tiny amount of light pink spotting. But only when I wiped. I didn’t think much of it. Then last night I started feeling crampy and discovered a bright red/Dark brown spotting and clumpy mess. Not too much though. A while back I read a post about how common spotting is during pregnancy and tried not to over react, but in all of my 3 pregnancies (1 of my own and 2 surrogacies) I have NEVER bled! We went to the doctor today and she told us that there was no heartbeat and that I would miscarry. She explained the next steps and allowed me time to decide. I feel like I’m in shock! I didn’t think I’d be sitting here having to decide if i wanted to go ahead with a D&C; or let it happen naturally. I had planned this big Christmas surprise for our families. I feel so discouraged! Any advice or shared stories would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies!