
I’m about to become 19 in a week, and my long time boyfriend (which I have been with for 4 years) is also 19. He recently graduated from USMC bootcamp about a month ago and I’m a sophomore at my university studying pre-nursing. I only need one more semester to apply to the nursing program. I quit my full time job as a co manager at a retail store to focus more on school and to take care of my parents which were both really sick at the moment. My mom is now cancer free and my dad is in treatment for a really terrible infection he had in a wound.

Anyways, he keeps dropping really big hints about proposing on my birthday. While at training he called and asked me if it would be okay to see his friend who is coming back home from California on the day of my birthday. I was really upset because I know the next time I’ll see him is in exactly one year. So I told him no, that it was messed up because 1.its my birthday and 2. It was going to be the only time I was going to get to see him. So obviously it really meant a lot to me. (Of course I was going to let him see his friend! Who am I to tell him no? I’m not his mom lol but I was just trying to show him how much the day meant to me) so he got a little upset and said “did it ever occur to you that your gift meant we got to see each other everyday and it’d be a huge step for our relationship” if that wasn’t a big ass hint bsbskava.

If he proposes, I feel ready for it. Im ready to have this life with him. He knows me inside and out entirely and has been my best friend since the 6th grade. I know being a military spouse is hard, but I know that it’s all worth it for him. I can’t see myself with out him. Even if it means moving states or even countries... I don’t have any source of income anymore I have about (3k saved up) and I really want to power through college so when he retires or starts school, I can be the one holding us both up so he can focus on school entirely the way I did.

My question is, are we too young? Are we out of our minds? I honestly don’t feel that we’re rushing in.

Also if any moms are reading this out there, what do you think? And if we were to get engaged, what would be the best way to tell you about it?

Has anybody else gone through the same thing?

Tell me about your experience

Well thanks for reading this super long post. I’d really appreciate some feed back.