The Swelling!!!


One thing I wish I would have been warned about was the postpartum swelling. Looking back on my first days with my sweet baby boy, I was plagued by the fear that this horrific thing that was happening to my body wouldn't go away. I was induced at 3 days before my due date due to preeclampsia, and had some gnarly swelling in the feet before hand, but nothing that I wasn't prepared for. After delivery was another thing entirely... My legs swelled to 3x their normal size (pregnant normal size!), and I was horrified. I could not walk properly, and it was quite painful. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who helped me with compression hoiser and socks for 3 weeks after delivery. I was back down to pre-pregnant weight by 6 weeks, and the tree trunks are gone. So, when your nurse and doctors tell you the swelling is normal, it is, and don't be upset. 😊