What I sent my boyfriend for only a month while I was high

Laelanie • Always trying to learn something new

So I knew this guy from my entire high school experience (I’m a junior currently) and we started dating a month ago and Wednesday 2 months. I got high and when I get high my emotions are heighten to an extreme and i sent this entire text on how I feel... do you think this is too much or beautiful and sweet 🙃 or however you may feel - please let me know and I will update it with his response here it is:

“I love you so much and you mean everything to me... I can’t comprehend how I feel for you.. it’s so unexplainable

I’ve always cared about you even if I just met you.. I don’t really understand the way I feel but I haven’t felt this hard for someone in my entire life... my constant fear is that you’re hurt or talking to someone entirely better than me... I’m so scared to lose you and I can’t understand this enormous feeling that lingers inside me and emotions overflow through me for you.. it’s indescribable... you are everything to me... i love everything about you, every inch of you, every part of your soul.. you make me feel this sensation of happiness when I know I’m going to see you or get a text from you or when you kiss me or when you pull me close to you and I’m against a wall...

When I have a shitty day at home or I’m so stressed and just want to give up everything or even when I shut down and get upset .. ( I might be bipolar and crazy..🙃) I just know that you’re right there and I feel calm again and I’m not crazy anymore.. i just need to have you with me for an extreme amount of time ... I know I have so many worries and I think of the complete worst but I can’t stop them.. I’ve tried so many times.. I tell myself it’s not true but it just won’t go away.. .. thank you.. you have so many normal friends that you could easily have and you want to be with this crazy ass lil thing.. I honestly don’t believe it.. how could someone be so amazing be with this complete maniac... it scares me ... maybe their is that one friend who is just a little bit better than me and you go for that lil bit.. it hurts me and shaders every inch of my entire existence that I am losing you.. i trust you entirely with everything and at first I wasn’t allowing myself to trust completely .. but I just can’t help it.. you broke everything that I thought was shader proof and got every ounce of me.. you have total control on my emotions.. you give me a glance I’m feel exited, when you look away I feel lost, when you give me a touch I feel complete, when you let go I feel isolated, when you give me a whisper i feel safe, when you are quite I feel scared.. so much more.. You, a human being born in the right time to be in to be in this world, have an infinitive amount of power against me, I am entirely your puppet on strings.. I know I am a puppet and without stings I am useless.. I still give you every reason to cut me loose and find another puppet to play with.. but I can’t help but feel this extreme desire to stay and be with you every moment in time ... I love you so much.. sooooo much.... amount that entirely bypasses infinite and is extreme... thank you for being where you were in time when we first met... thank you so much”



Update: so like 6 minutes afterwards he sends me this