Vomiting 13 month old.

Tori 🐢🍀 • 27. Married. TTC #1. PCOS. Mom of 2 cats and 2 dogs. 💕💙💚 Slytherin 🐍 Witch 🌲🌊🔥🌬🌚🌝

My niece was fast asleep and my husband was holding her, about to put her in her crib and she threw up all over him and herself. I cleaned them both up and bathed her. She keeps vomiting about every 10-20 minutes. I keep bathing her and making sure she's warm and comfortable, but I don't know what else to do. My pharmacy is closed until 7am, and the closest 24hr pharmacy is over 2 hours away. She hasn't been able to keep down fluids this far. Is there anything I can do to make her feel better until I can get to the pharmacy?