Does Porn make your life better?


Hey, so I watched porn. I was about 27 when I stopped and started around 13. I watch porn habitually in seasons, sometimes daily and sometimes would stop for weeks (not planned just would happen.) I dicided to stop after thinking about 2 things: was this habit conductive to a better life? it made me objectify woman ( love people use things) , waste time, and I had to hide it. And two I heard stories of past porn stars... That's super disturbing, many of those woman are raped filmed and then blackmailed into doing porn by telling them they will show the video to thier family, the search engines are used to figure out what people are looking for and then force more women to do those things and porn stars have to get really high or drunk to do many scenes. ( I as a person searching for porn literally lent a hand into making porn, no pun intended) Do you watch porn? I know both men and woman watch porn. Have you ever thought about how it effects you or who your watching?

Here's a interesting talk about some myths about porn: and this is a podcast about it: