RANT- I’m already sick of my mother and MIL


I just need to get this out because they are driving me insane and I know this community will understand. This is our first baby and while yes I’m over the moon to meet our little one in April, I don’t like all the hype that comes with it and I am also trying to process the fear and anxiety about birth/motherhood at the same time. Annoyingly, this is also the first grandchild on both sides so the matriarchs have lost their damn minds! I just can’t handle it, it annoys the hell out of me. My mother just can’t help but post about it on Facebook (and tag me in it) even though I’ve already explained to her that I don’t want baby posts at all. The first time she did it, she burst my bubble before I had finished getting to break the news to all of my friends 🤬. My MIL just wants to smother me in annoying questions about the pregnancy and stuff to buy etc. She pestered my husband and I for weeks about when our 20week scan was just so she could get “bragging photos”. ITS CALLED A 20 WEEK SCAN FOR A REASON!! NOT A 16 WEEK ONE!! I’m really bored of repeating myself because they are just so excited that they aren’t listening! AND THEN! When you tell them what a pain in the ass they are being, their response is “we’re allowed, we’re grandparents - you just have to let us do it”. ARRRRGGHHHHH!!!! When the baby arrives I’m seriously considering not saying anything for a week just so we can have some peace and quiet without them. It just really makes me not want them around ever because they are just too hyper, invading my personal space and not listening to us!