Officially on my own

I’m currently 5 wks pregnant... my bf and I were fine until I broke the news to him... I told him Wednesday of last week. He seemed excited just a little nervous and he said he was scared. Then 2 days later he began flipping out and we got into a huge argument because he said he didn’t want kids... he left. Yesterday he came over to talk and apologize for everything that has happened, but said he did not want a kid and was not sure if he ever wanted one. During the fight the pushed the abortion topic... but yesterday I guess to sound nice he was like it’s ur decision. If u do decide to keep it I have to take care of my responsibilities and continued to say he wanted to be alone. I am so angry but most of all hurt. I can’t believe he walked out on me like this out of no where.... ppl say give him time to process it, because he does love me... I’m not believing. I don’t know if I should keep it or not... I want to be with him , I don’t wanna do this alone.