early pregnancy bleeding, clots and cramping


Im a mom of 3. my youngest is 5 months old. I've had a miscarriage in the past so I know blood is not a good sign when pregnant....i recently found out in pregnant...well yesterday I was at work began bleeding and having bad cramps ...so I left work.. my Love took me to the hospital and they said I was pregnant but they didn't know how far. they did an ultrasound and couldn't see the baby..they said I'm too early. they aren't sure if I'm having a miscarriage or not. they want me to come back in 48 Hrs to do a hormone test. they said if the hormone doesn't go up then its a possible miscarriage. I went home and began bleeding more like a normal period with bad cramps...then I noticed a few clots. I woke up this morning and the bleeding slowed a bit and not I'm just having mild cramps. my boyfriend has a high rate of twins in his family and I read that it is common to bleed like this with twins...I'm really hoping that's the case. has anyone else experienced this and not had it be a miscarriage?