Type 2 diabetic and breastfeeding

I am a type 2 diabetic and breastfeeding. My son is now 15 weeks old. It took me about 6 weeks for my milk to finally come in enough for me to stop supplementing. So now I exclusively breastfeed him. My issue is everyone talks about losing weight from breastfeeding but I’m over here gaining like crazy. I wasn’t on any medication for diabetes before I got pregnant but they put me on insulin my whole pregnancy then was again on no meds after delivery. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy. I was 175 when I found out I was pregnant. Then lost 30 by the time I was 2 weeks postpartum. Then the Lactation specialist told me I wasn’t eating near enough to have my milk produce. So I began to eat more as I was only eating about 800 calories a day. Ever since then I have gained and gained and am now at 237!. If I cut back any calories my milk starts to decrease. I love breastfeeding and don’t want to give up but it is taking a toll on me physically and mentally. Also I get about 10k steps in a day as my exercise. And I do not check my sugars as I was told after I delivered that I didn’t have to bc I didn’t do it before I was pregnant. I was just diet controlled. I go back next week for my 3 month check up to test my a1c again. I’m sure I will be put on something. Anyone every gained weight instead of lost or any type 2 diabetics out there that have had any issues losing weight or have any advice on why this could be happening or any meal plans of anything I could try??

Thanks in advance