Is my house haunted 😱


The craziest thing happened to me last night 😭 i mean every other night i do wake up in the middle of the night & i tend to look around the room just out of curiosity & there’s times that i do get an uneasy feeling but not to the pint that i feel like running out of my room i just lay back in bed & go to sleep BUT last night seriously scared the fuck out of me.

My husband & i went to sleep & i was having a dream that an evil spirit was trying to scare me & that it was trying to cut off my finger & what woke me up was that i actually felt the pain on my finger !!! so i open my eyes & as i tried to move i couldn’t! i’m just laying there facing downward just looking at my husband on the other side of the bed asleep so i’m trying to move & call him but nothing ! i can’t talk & i just start crying & muffling to get his attention then i feel i really really cold feeling on me, i feel pressure on the bed towards my feet i’m trying my hardest to pray like i always do when i have a scary dream or when i get sleep paralysis. & as i’m looking at my husband trying to wake him up the room just turns black & the Christmas lights we have hanging in the corner get dim. At this point i don’t know what to do i just close my eyes & hope whatever it is just goes away. Few seconds later it stopped but at that point i’m scared to even move ( i don’t know why but i decided to peek at my phone & it was 3:35am so that just creeped me out even more ) so what i just do is hide under the blanket & just try to fall asleep. When my husband wakes up to go to work at 7am in my mind i’m just thinking & hoping nothing like that happens again while he’s gone. So he leaves to work i get up & go to the living room & just stay there. His break time comes around & i tell him what happened & he asks me why i didn’t talk to him about this when he was getting ready for work & i just told him that i was scared cause what if it happens again.

I’m scared what if that happens again tonight 😫😫😫😫😫