I'm 5 days late, when usually I'm right on time, is it stress or could I be pregnant?

About two weeks ago, I made the mistake of going to my ex's house and spending the night after a night of heavy drinking. We were together for 4 years before breaking up this summer. We have never used protection (I do with other people, just not him). Long story short, he didn't pull out, came inside, and I didn't think anything of it because we've done it so many times and nothing's ever happened that I chalked it up to it being harmless.

Fast forward to today, I'm super late, considering how regular my cycles are. I'm spotting a littttttle bit, just barely. I noticed because I used a tampon the day I was supposed to be starting just in case it came while I was working. Only a teensy bit of blood was there. I keep using tampons just in case and it's been the same deal for almost 6 days now. Very light spotting.

Am I just stressing out? Could it possibly mean pregnancy? I've been putting off getting tested hoping the full wrath of my period comes before I freak myself out like that, but it's been almost a week. Help