
Look babe this is hard as hell for me to write but I am feed up. First of all I try my best at price rite to do a lot and hope they call me to pick up shifts and I tell them that they can call me if they need a person to cover. Second of all I hope you love starving bc I’m not buying food either any more you used basically my whole fucking pay check just so you can get what ever fucking food you wanted so from now on buy your own shit. Second of all stop lying to your mom about pos tell her how he’s breaking all the rules and how your just to lazy to take payments over to them and why you don’t have money hah your own fault you don’t make anyone in the house buy shit bc your so picky well stop being a fucking piece of shit and let other people do shit and another thing kick pos out your gonna be a terrible land lord and I’m not sure if I wanna have a baby with you anymore seeing how you let your dumb ass good for nothing so called friend walk all over you. I don’t even know if I still wanna marry you like you make it so hard to love you. You make it seem like my best bet is to leave you tell me no one is stopping every time I try but yet you grab me and don’t let me go until I agree to stay and put my shit back. I can’t anymore I just can’t until you know how to tell your pos friend off and his stupid cunt of a gf too bc she’s about to get the living shit beat outta her she opens her mouth one more time about how shit goes in this house that bitch will never live here ever that bitch needs to have some sense beat into her too like you feed into it and don’t do anything more about my problems but make them worse ugh I FUCKING HATE YOU some times like a whole fucking lot and your the main reason I hope one day your in my shoes and when that day comes I hope you know karmas a bitch. Pos is my fiancé’s dumb ass room mate didn’t wanna put any names out there but this is how my life is and adding to this he was talking to his mom on the phone and made it feel like it was my fault we don’t have money like it’s my fault we haven’t been good shopping like everything’s my fucking fault and non of its his at all when he’s the one who would pack the cart and spend most of the Little shity checks I get.