Super frustrated and confused


We have been trying for a year and a half now to get pregnant since the miscarriage. I thought this was it. I was 8 days late, then I started. Not super heavy but a normal flow which lasted 3 days. I'm very regular with the 5 to 6 days. Not to mention it like just slight spotting for a day after like I normally do, except for one wipe that had like pinkish clear goo. I've been super tired and have had a slight discomfort in my abdomen, not like cramps. So I tested twice, first one I've had for a while that was super cheap, and another newer one, clear blue. Both came back negative. I'm so frustrated I could cry...and I have. This month I have the saliva ovulation test Ill use and Im also gonna use preseed. Any other suggestions out there? I love coming on here and seeing all the wonderful stories and I know 1 year 1/2 of trying is nothing compared to other stories I've read, but I just love the community on here.