Just want to scream

I had a miscarriage about a month ago now & two weeks ago my little 19 year old brother told me he is going to be a dad. Not sure if he’s told my other sister but he of course asks me a lot of questions and it’s driving me crazy. He did know about my pregnancy, but I just want to scream and cry and I go crazy inside, thinking about it but I don’t let him see that because I know he needs the advice. I secretly break down after he talks about it. He announced it to my cousins the other day and it hurt me, I hadn’t announced it to pretty much anyone. I don’t feel jealous but I feel mad that I’m not going to have my spotlight, I’m mad that his girlfriend was pregnant at the same time as me because it’s something I tried for, for a whole long year. I just want to scream my head off because that was supposed to be “my time” in my head... Idk if I should be this hurt but I am and I just needed to vent..