My Princess is here!

Briggail • I’m Bri! Mommy to Brielle! 😍👼🏾

(A Little Late) But..

I went to my weekly appointment last Tuesday (at 39 weeks, 4 days) after being checked for 3 weeks and no change, I had finally dilated 3 cm. However my doctor didn’t see my going into labor before the weekend so of course she wanted to induce me if I didn’t. I guess baby girl wasn’t having that because I went into labor that night.

I get home and had my bloody show and I knew it was show time. 😁 At about 7 pm my contractions were 16 minutes apart. By 10 pm they were 5 minutes apart. Called the doctor was told to go to the hospital. By the time I got to the hospital my contractions were 3 minutes apart. However I had no change in my cervix, which meant I was being sent home. My boyfriend and I walked the halls for an hour and I dilated to 5 cm. I was admitted and given meds to take the edge off while waiting for my epidural. Which took FOREVER 😩 by the time I receive my epidural I was 7 almost 8 cm dilated. A short while later my cervix was complete and my water was broken and of course we waited for baby girl to labor down. 12 hours of active labor and 30 minutes of pushing my baby girl had arrived. I have second degree tears but she’s worth it. 😍

Brielle Gea Morehead



7 pounds 10 ounces

18 3/4 inches

Good luck mamas and God bless you all! 💋