Am I crazy.

So I am 36 weeks pregnant and not working I've gotten replaced by both my jobs then hours cut serverely not even 20 hours a week between the 2. They know since they can't have me back after baby without me finding childcare so they took the liberty to hire and cut me out. My SO is the provider for our family and his job is commissioned based. His job is so slow to the point it's not paying any of our bills and I've asked numerous of times while it was paying bills to get a steady full time income job with a hourly rate so when it came down to this point we were ok. He refused and flat up told me no knowing this was going to happen (job does pay for my healthcare and his phone bill) and now it's 4 weeks left, we are serverely struggling to feed us, pay rent, pay bills, pay for gas and ect. I asked about cash assistance and SNAP but need his stubs and he's to hell bent on not doing that or admitting we need help. Now I am frusterated to the point I want a divorce and to just do this as a single mom and collect some sort of assistance until I get on my feet because I feel like he failed us in stepping up. Which is completely catching me off guard because I never seen this coming between him and us I am lost and can't stop not thinking about this, stressing or bawling.. I need advice.