25 dpo no BFP


I am on day 43 of my cycle, 25 dpo with many negative pregnancy tests including blood test and home pregnancy tests. I took 100 mg of Clomid and triggered with Orvidel. I had one pink spot 10 dpo and one reddish spotting (bigger) 21 dpo. Today progesterone tested at 10.5 and estridol at 132. My temps have remained mostly elevated although not as high as normal during luteal phase. I am taking 50 mg of progesterone two times a day. My doctor said to continue progesterone and retest beta-hgc on Monday. Is it really possible to be 24dpo with no indication of hgc and still be pregnant? My three beta tests have been below 1. Any experience with this? What else could be going on? I feel like my doctor doesn’t explain much. Thanks for any insight.