please, please help ☹


hello, im currently 26 weeks pregnant and ever since ive been in the second trimester my husband wont even come near me with a 20ft pole. i could count on one hand the amount of times weve had sex in the last 13 weeks. the last 2 times weve been intimate he cant keep it hard and i feel like he doesnt find me attractive now that he can see im pregnant. im so sad i love him so much and would love to feel special and beautiful but i feel the complete opposite. ive tried to talk to him about it numerous times and he just says that sometimes hes tired or he doesnt want to because im tired when im working (i work shift work as a midwife so im on my feet quite a bit). ive explained to him how important it is for us to be intimate especially necause once the baby is born it will be more difficult but it hasnt changed anything. im absolutely lost at what else i could do. any helpful advice would be much appreciated.