Sore breast

🌸Diana🌸 • Mommy to a 5yr old handsome little man & married to my amazing husband💙💖💙expecting baby #2 August 2018 but our 2nd baby is now our rainbow baby🌈👶🏻😔

My husband and I have been trying for baby #2 for about 3-4months now.Last month my period came later than usual & very light the first 3days light flow brown color than the last 4 were red and heavier flow--I know implantation bleeding is different and I really thought I was pregnant experiencing some of the symptoms fatigue headaches & back aches.I figured by day 4 when my cycle took a turn I knew I wasn't pregnant.This month a day after my period ended i started the ovulation process.we have had sex 4times since the day after my last cycle until recent. My breast are super sore I can't even lay on my tummy to go to bed,my jeans are tighter than usual,super tired,& cranky off an on. I don't want to get my hopes up for another false negative BUT could this time really be it? It's way to early to even make the assumption.For our son we got pregnant 123 unexpectedly too.I am starting to think stressing myself out over getting pregnant again is making things worse. I am almost 32 my husband is 29 and our son is 5. 😏 any tips from any of your ladies in the same boat? Negative or positive.i strive off both! 😊