Need some Guidance


I currently have an IUD (got it on May 2018). recently I have been feeling kinda off and have experienced nipple tenderness/burning , brown discharge (on day 3) and noticed some bleeding today. I had low key cramping yesterday and today, my body aches and exhausted at times. I went to the doc about 2 weeks ago and got a vaginal ultrasound and saw that my IUD is in place and also did blood work and came back negative. I've been doing PT and they come back negative. I did one today and it looks a bit faded but am not sure if it counts as a +. Any feedback is helpful and greatly appreciated.

***Update*** I took a PT just now and looks negative not sure what you ladies think. I am feeling just nauseas and a feeling like puking but nothing. Below is my test provided different angles (took it at 11:53 and waited the 3 min recommended).